The source of his grief, have been the folks over at "eHealth Ontario". It seems, the CEO, Sarah Kramer, participated in awarding some of the $5 million! in untendered contracts from September 2008 to January 2009. Just a minute, I have to stop to catch my breath.
According to their website eHealth Ontario is:
"a new organization that will play the leading role in harnessing information technology and innovation to improve patient care, safety and access in support of the government’s health strategy.The above is government speak. In plain English, eHealth Ontario, is mandated, to establish an electronic health records system for the province. The agency, is a very important organization to the future of our health care system. So therefore, it's management, is also very important.
We will provide a single, harmonized, coherent province-wide eHealth Strategy and align it through a single point of accountability. Our work will enable and fulfill the government’s strategic healthcare priorities."
The Ontario Conservatives, have alleged, these untendered contracts have gone to "Liberal Friendly Firms". Oh boy!
Ms. Kramer was hired last November (2008) at an annual salary of $380,000, according to documents obtained by The Globe and Mail through a freedom of information request. As well, documents show, in March (2009), after just 5 months on the job, Ms. Kramer was awarded a bonus of $114,000.
Somebody must have thought she was doing a good job, and did not seem to care about those untendered contracts.
The firing of Ms. Kramer may or may not be the end of this story. Ms. Kramer will receive a very generous severance package in the range of $300,000 plus. Not bad for less than 8 months on the job!