If you took a look at our very own Windsor Star, both yesterday and today, you would not know that world leaders had gathered, and were meeting in L'Aquila, Italy, for the 2009 G8 Summit. One would think, that for such a major event with possible significant business consequences, assistant chief honcho and editor Marty Beneteau would have dispatched supersnooper Grace Macaluso to do a real, in-depth story about the whole summit. Something may still be reported in tomorrow's paper; we will have to wait and see.
So far, I guess, the news reporters are too busy beating up on City of Windsor striking CUPE workers and polarizing the community. Yes, I know CUPE has behaved badly, wrong strike at the wrong time, public sector wages and benefits have to be in line with the private sector. I agree with all that. That is not the issue with me, and never has been.
The real issue is how the Windsor Star has reported all this, and the ethics behind it.
This is what I think: Chief Honcho and Publisher Jim Venney should write a front page editorial and build on the recent admission from the Windsor Star editorial pages that sometimes it is good to polarize the community. He should explain further, and tell us what he really means by that.
You see, the more readers understand, in my view anyway, that normal operating procedures at the Windsor Star are all about editorial and management opinion driving the news, the better able readers in Windsor-Essex will be in detecting bias. What could be more important when trying to understand a subject matter or the news of the day??