These thugs and thieves described as "poor fisherman" by the main stream media could not be held according to Prime Minister Steven Harper. Next thing you know, these thugs and thieves will be described as orphans and widows. This way, all the havoc they are causing will not only be understood but justified, of course.
The Somali pirates operate off the Horn of Africa and have captured oil tankers, ships with food and supplies for the starving, and recently a small French yacht. These pirates don't care who they take hostage; it's all found money to them.
The Bigggggggggggg question no one in Canada seems able to answer is what do we do with these pirates when we catch them. For starters let's do what the French are doing, arrest them and prosecute them, make their lives of crime and terrorism less comfortable.
By the way, how do you think these poor pirates are doing since they left the simple life of fishing?? Some folks tell us they are living the "high life".