Dwight Duncan the Ontario Minister of Finance is a well schooled and well disciplined politician. He knows when he has been dealt a bad hand. And boy he's got one now.
In my post of April 13, I highlighted the crisis which is right around the corner for Duncan. This crisis is more dangerous for Duncan than any other Ontario politician, for two reasons. First, he is Finance Minister and everyone assumes he has a biggggg say on how the Ontario Government spends money. Second, he is from Windsor: lot's and lot's of autoworkers- these folks vote even when they are not motivated.
Duncan wants to be Premier, nothing wrong with that. I am sure he would do a good job. However, he can probably kiss the Top Job goodbye if thousands of Windsor area voters lose part or all of their pensions.
Recent demonstrations with large turnouts have moved the pension issue up the political thermometer. Things are very hot now. Duncan continues to be very careful; he prefers that others in the Government speak on the issue. There can be only one reason for this: he does not yet have a solution.
All eyes are on Duncan.