Early in May, the Mayor's bold plan to revitalize, (this plan will help but is not the total answer), Windsor's struggling downtown was rejected, biggggg time. All kinds of comments were made. Yes, we all know, Mayor Francis could have managed the process much better and no doubt should have. But my goodness, the reaction, and we are still more than one year from the next election!!! Even some thoughtful councillors got carried away with their opposition. However the biggest splash was made by council member??, you guessed it, Alan Halberstadt. The photo's of Halberstadt losing it splashed on pages of the Windsor Star are just priceless.
But hey, after having made this big splash, duly noted by Halberstadt friend's over at the Windsor Star. I say this because I have been told Halberstadt tries to ingratiate himself to Windsor Star reporters by feeding them little tidbits of information. You know the kind of information that might have one part truth and 10 parts, well, lets just say misplaced exaggeration. If this is in fact true I would be very disappointed.
But anyway back to the biggggg flip and flop!
So, just a few days ago the matter comes back before council, and guess what?? Not only does council approve it, but even Halberstadt votes for it. But as reported in the Windsor Star, Halberstadt does make on last comment “it’s going to be a lot more than $48 million”, he says.
There you have it. Classic Halberstadt, he opposes then votes for the plan, but gives himself an out, just in case, not all goes perfect! Gosh, why should Halberstadt accept any responsibility??
Well done councillor!!