Statistics from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) tell all of us more pain is on the way.
This article in yesterday's Globe and Mail is quite disturbing and indicates we in Canada have not seen the bottom of the "Great Recession".
Some months ago, in my capacity as Interim Executive Officer and Chair of the Windsor Essex Development Commission, I warned of the deteriorating economic circumstances. I recall publicly saying, as well as sending an email, to some members of the Essex County Council that we in Windsor Essex were facing "the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression". It is interesting to note that some of those folks who criticized both me and the Development Commission now use many of the same words.
I don't want to accuse Gary McNamara, Mayor and Co-Chief Honcho of the Town of Tecumseh, of plagiarism, but will say he is a good listener.
In yesterday's Windsor Star while attacking the Mayor of Windsor over roadway and border infrastructure projects and funds, he displayed his listening skills very well. Geesh!! does this Co-Chief Honcho McNamara do anything but attack people.
Many of you know that for 11 years I was a senior executive at the Ambassador Bridge. I am very proud that we as a company took every opportunity to oppose using E.C. Row Expressway as a truck route.!!!
If you want to finish off Windsor as a livable community and damage the whole region, then go ahead, turn E.C. Row into an "18 wheeler" route. I kinda of get the feeling that is what Co- Chief Honcho McNamara is suggesting. You know McNamara is fast and loud with the lip, even when he doesn't know or seemingly care about the consequences of his words.