Readers will remember my post of April 14/09, asking the folks over at the Windsor Star to do their job and properly report on this new provincial tax.
In the interest of Fair Play, I will say, some effort was made. Read Windsor Star editorial. However, many of the important questions I asked, are still not answered.
The Windsor Star can and should do much more. Windsor Star Chief Honcho Jim Venney has a large stable of reporters, that either he, or assistant chief honcho Marty Beneteau can assign to do a real, full and complete expose on this new tax. Someone like "super snooper" Grace Macaluso, for instance, could really demonstrate why she is over at the Business Section of the Windsor Star.
Dwight Duncan is the Ontario finance minister. He is doing what finance ministers do; taxing and spending. I am not saying all of it is bad. However, our main source of local news, the Windsor Star, who have a monopoly like grip over the Windsor Essex region, should devote more time and space to the pros and cons of this new tax.
The Toronto Star has reminded us, just how challenging this new tax is for Duncan as an elected official, and for regular folks here in Ontario. Read Toronto Star article.
All of this right in the middle of the "Great Recession"!!