Thursday, June 25, 2009

Town of Tecumseh Gone to the Dogs

Boy you have to hand it the co-chief honcho, of the Town of Tecumseh, Deputy Mayor Tom Burton, he knows the important issues of the day. If he and his side kick Mayor Gary McNamara are not:
If and when co-chief honchos McNamara and Burton are not doing all of the above and more, they are occupied with the big things in government, right? Good thing Burton is in charge of that landfill committee.

You could write a book about these two guys and their exemplary practice of hypocrisy. Ahh, but time doesn't allow. So for right now, this article in the Windsor Star will have to do.

While watching this video, if you look real close, you just might be able to see, co-chief honcho Burton and McNamara in the background. You gotta love those two "Hound dogs".