However, what made me ask the question, was simple. This past week, two big front page stories, about two very important events. One was the resignation of "eHealth Ontario" CEO, Sarah Kramer. Read my post. And the second event, was the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favour of the Fiat takeover of Chrysler (read my post of yesterday).
Both of these stories were covered by the Windsor Star, but not by Windsor Star reporters. The coverage was outsourced, so to speak.
Ok, you may be able to justify the Windsor Star coverage on the eHealth Ontario scandal since the story was written by Kristy Nease, Canwest News Service. The Windsor Star being part of the CanWest Global empire. But, we do have two Liberal government cabinet ministers, from the Windsor Essex region. With eHealth Ontario being a 2 Billion dollar operation, and vital to our health services, surely it would have been in the public interest to have the local cabinet ministers comment. That sure seems like the job of local reporters.
However, in my view, there can be no justification for outsourcing the Fiat-Chrysler story. Windsor is headquarters for Chrysler Canada! The Windsor Star front page story was written by Mike Ramsey and Lizzie O'Leary of Bloomberg.
I don't know, it just seems odd.