The Windsor Star has played a very active role in portraying the City of Windsor strike, and CUPE strikers, in a certain fashion. As I have said in the recent past, (read my post of June 1, 2009), the Windsor Star has been very hard on CUPE strikers. This stance has moderated slightly since June 1, but the damage was already done.
In today's Windsor Star print edition, on page 3, and in the lead editorial, the Star hammers Mayor Francis, for his handling of City Council members post retirement benefits. As a brief explanation, City Council members receive post retirement benefits, but not many really get to collect. No post retirement benefits, for any city hall workers, hired after January 1, 2009, is the mantra. That is what this 9-week-old and very bitter strike is all about. So, as you can see, there are some red faces around the City Council chamber.
To me, the most interesting part of this whole story is not Mayor Francis, but how each City Council member voted, and why. But, we will have to leave this matter for another day.
It is obvious, in my view, that this minor pummeling of Mayor Francis is more for the Star's benefit than anything else. Now the Windsor Star folks can defend themselves over any accusation of unfair and biased reporting during this strike. You could call this move, a fake to the left.
I wonder, does Windsor Star assistant chief honcho Marty Beneteau really think this little cover-up will fool readers?