Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Italian Industry Minister Plays Hardball with Fiat!

In a recent post I compared the no nonsense hardball tactics of the Italian government and responsible Ministers to our soft ball tactics we here in North America especially Windsor Essex seem to play.

We are ready to beat up our unions, spend BBBillions of taxpayer dollars, give 35% of Chrysler away and get what in return? Maybe Windsor Star Chief Honcho Jim Venney and assistant chief honcho Marty Beneteau can assign "super snooper" Grace Macaluso the job of itemizing what we get for all of the above. And then maybe layout a comparative analysis of who gets what. I know that would be real informative journalism, but one can always hope.

As Fiat's strategy, to take over both Chrysler and G.M. Europe, moves forward assurances are given that there will be no plant closures in Italy. This is all very nice and I congratulate the Italians. But, what I really want to do, is congratulate the Ontario and Canadian governments, that is as soon as we can understand how many auto and parts plants and jobs we have saved.

Oh, and by the way, do you think maybe the Germans are playing hardball? Read this article, and you will get the picture.